A Common Purpose For Every Christian

Every person has a unique purpose in life. There is however, an element of our purpose that is the same for every Christian alive. That is, we are to OCCUPY the space wherein we exist…and we are to strive to expand the boundaries of the space we occupy!

Here is an important truth that we must understand: where God’s people occupy, goodness, blessings, peace, and joy prevail…and satan’s destructive work is thwarted or destroyed.

Stated in the inverse, where God’s people do not occupy…where God’s people fail to occupy…satan will infallibly move-in and set up his own evil occupation…and wickedness, evilness, loss, destruction, and death will soon prevail. Just as bad, God’s people will find themselves suffering and being persecuted as a result of not occupying their space with Godly force.

Really get this…when God’s people fail to occupy, they set themselves up for needless suffering and persecution that God never meant for them to suffer.

Whether you live in a governor’s mansion…whether you live in the middle classes of society…whether you are a homeless person living on the streets, your job as an ambassador of Jesus Christ in this present world is to occupy your space around you with leadership, influence, power, and solidity.

Now, in most developed countries, it is no longer effective to try to push or force the gospel onto people. To try to do that is to misrepresent Christ. To try to do that is to push people away from Christ rather than to draw them to Him.

But, what we can do is stand like a pillar…like a beacon…that is immovable…that is solid…that is consistent…that does not change…and that exerts a Godly force throughout the space we occupy…and be a strong resistance to anything that is ungodly or evil.

We can be that light that repels wickedness and evilness. John 3:20 tells us that, “For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

Be that man or woman who occupies your space and reproves evil deeds. Let the sheer force of God’s Spirit abound in you.  Stand strong, vibrantly, effectively, powerfully, and influentially in your space. Be that pillar, that beacon, that light that repels wickedness and evilness out of your space.

Again, where God’s people occupy, goodness, blessings, peace, and joy prevail and satan’s destructive work is thwarted or destroyed.

Being a solid pillar that is a beacon of God’s Spirit in your space means you must carry God’s spiritual force and strength within you that people recognize, respect, and honor. This is one reason why being successful is so important. Even if you are currently a homeless person on the street, be the most successful homeless person on your street so that you carry the highest possible amount of influence and clout with those around you.

Likewise, be engaged and involved in the lives of people around you. The more connected you are with people around you, the more effective and powerful your influence upon them will be. In other words, occupy in the lives of people around you.

This is important! If we are the Spirit-Filled Christians that we are supposed to be, then our “presence” is a magnet that attracts goodness and Godliness…and repels evilness and ungodliness. Moreover, even if our “presence” does not draw people closer to the Lord, it can at least be a polar force-field that holds people from moving towards more evilness and ungodliness.

But, if we are not “occupying” the lives of the people around us…if we are checked out…disconnected…busy…and unavailable…then all we are doing is opening the door to satan. If we are not “occupying”, then we can count on the fact that satan will move in to “occupy” our space…satan WILL INFALLIBLY plant evil people who are an evil influence in the lives of the people around us.

Now, I am NOT suggesting that you should go around trying to control people…because that will never work…and besides, that is NOT God’s model. There will undoubtedly be people who turn to Christ as a result of the witness that your life is to them.  At the same time, it is unlikely that all of the people around you will live exactly as they should. However, your Godly presence can most definitely keep people in check. Your Godly presence can hold people back from going even farther away from God. This, combined with your good and Godly works, combined with the good and Godly works of other Christians, allows goodness and Godliness to prevail and evilness and ungodliness to be thwarted, minimized, or destroyed.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, LET US OCCUPY until our Lord’s return!  And, in whatever way you can, expand the space that you occupy…squeeze out the works of darkness even more.


© 2014 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

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URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

Wisdom And Life

Wisdom giveth life (everything that’s good) to them that have it.” Ecclesiastes 7:12

Right there is the secret to a successful life!

Either a person is applying this secret…or they are applying its corollary: “Foolishness…bad attitudes, bad choices, and bad decisions…giveth destruction and loss to them that have it.

Sometimes the consequences of not having wisdom aren’t that big of a deal…

Today, I saw an elderly lady today wandering around in the Sam’s parking lot trying to find her car. She had to be at least 75…and in all those years, she hadn’t figured out the simple strategy of taking a quick look behind her as she walked towards the store so that she would know what to look for on her way out.

So instead, she wasted who knows how much of the most precious resource of all…the ONE resource that can never be renewed or recovered…a resource that she definitely had a limited amount of…TIME…trying to find her car. And who knows how many hundreds of times she has done that through the years.

And besides, what if one of these days her old heart can’t take the stress of not knowing where her car is at? Well, I’m just sayin’!

But most of the time, the consequences of not having wisdom ARE a big deal…

Today, as I was filling up my truck with gasoline, an elderly man..65 to 70…pulled up to the pump beside me to get gas. He wobbled out of his truck, put the nozzle in his gas tank, set the lever-lock, and hurriedly jumped back in his truck so he could down a beer to settle his jittery, alcoholic nerves.

Absolutely, completely, totally, utterly SAD!

I’m sure there was a time he thought it was cool and fun to down a beer…but a lack of wisdom in his life has put him in a position where he is now a slave to something he wishes he could be free of.

I’m sure that when he was young, there was a crowd of “fun” people around him laughing along with him…but today, he was just a LONELY OLD MAN.

Now, neither of these examples may apply to you and I…but where are the attitudes, choices, and decisions we are SELECTING today taking us?

Are they taking us to life? Or, are they taking us to loss and destruction?

Of course, most people aren’t foolish in EVERY area of their life. In some areas, most of us are very wise. The problem is, there are only 4-7 important areas of life (depending upon how we section things out)…so if there are 1-3 areas that we are being foolish in, that has a SIGNIFICANT impact on our lives.

At the simplest level, the important areas of there life are:

* Spiritual
* Health
* Relationships
* Financial

So, if we are being foolish in just ONE of these areas, that means 25% of our life is headed towards destruction and loss. If we are being foolish in two of these areas, then 50% of our life is headed towards destruction and loss.

And even worse, when things aren’t working well in one area, it DOES impact all of the other areas.

It’s something to think about.

I say let’s choose wisdom in ALL areas of our life.


© 2011 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

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URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

Satan’s Oldest, Most Common, Most Reliable Trick…

This trick was first performed in a place you’re familiar with…The Garden of Eden.

This trick is still being performed in a place you’re very familiar with…INSIDE YOUR MIND!

Here are Satan’s specific steps:

1. Bring to your awareness what you DON’T have
2. Suggest that others are AGAINST you

That’s it. Those two little steps don’t look like much, do they? And yet, they work with almost unbelievable effectiveness.

They work so well because IF a person ALLOWS these two notions into their mind, then that person will also LET their mental faculties – faculties such as the imagination and selective recall – work against them…often until it literally destroys them.

Let me make this personal for you…

Specifically, if you permit these two notions to lodge in your mind (rather than outright rejecting them) then YOU will tend to blank out all the blessings and goodness they already have and possess to the point YOU start feeling as if YOU have been deprived of everything that’s good…that others have all the good but YOU’VE been cheated, short-changed, and treated unfairly.

Then, combine that with YOUR ability to “prove” whatever it is that YOU are thinking about…

So, if you are wondering if others really are against you…well, if you walk into a room and people look at you with a smile on their face, then “obviously”, they were talking “bad” about you and you “caught” them…

Or, if they don’t look up at you, then “obviously” they don’t care enough about you to even bother acknowledging you…”clearly”, to these people, not only are you unimportant to them, but they really don’t like you.

Do you see how this trick of Satan’s works?

Satan makes a couple of suggestions and if you aren’t actively managing, disciplining, and keeping your mind spiritual, YOU will begin to distort, generalize, and delete information…and it will eat on you and eat on you…and if you don’t get a grip on yourself, YOU will walk out of relationship and fellowship with God and YOU will destroy YOURSELF.

Let’s consider the Garden of Eden example… (you can read the full account in Genesis chapter 3)

First, Satan merely points out to Eve that she doesn’t get to eat of EVERY tree in the garden…

And with that one point, it doesn’t matter that they are living in a perfect paradise, it doesn’t matter that God himself comes to visit them every evening, it doesn’t even matter how many trees she has to eat from…

There’s that ONE tree that she doesn’t have!

And now, Satan ramps the NEGATIVE BENT that Eve is already on by pointing out something else that she doesn’t have…

She doesn’t have the same position, the same knowledge, the same power, the same wealth as God has…

Now, that just isn’t fair, is it?

And then Satan introduces the second element of his trick…

God is against you Eve…

God doesn’t want you to have everything that He has…

He doesn’t want you to have the benefits and privileges that He as…

He doesn’t want you to have the same glory that He has…

That’s why He doesn’t want you to eat from that ONE tree, Eve.

Eve, God isn’t being fair to you. He’s withholding good from you…

Now, we know good and well that God wasn’t thinking any such thing. We know that God wanted only the very best for Adam and Eve. We know for a fact that God GREATLY loved Adam and Eve. But that didn’t matter because in Eve’s mind, the ONE tree obviously “proved” that God was against her – that God was withholding the very best from her.

And with these suggestions firmly implanted in her mind, Eve did everything else necessary to destroy HERSELF. Unfortunately, she was persuasive enough to also destroy her family.

By accepting, dwelling upon, and ultimately acting upon these two suggestions from Satan – that there was something good she didn’t have and that others were against her – Eve moved herself OUT OF RELATIONSHIP AND FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD and brought great pain, hardship, and harm to herself.

Brother or Sister in Christ, Satan seeks to kill, steal, and destroy in YOUR life.

He seeks to give you these same suggestions too – so that YOU too will move YOURSELF out of relationship and fellowship with God and bring pain, hardship, and harm to yourself.

And so, I admonish you…don’t fall for Satan’s oldest, most common, most reliable trick.

Sure there are things you wish were different right now…

Sure there are things you’d like to have in your possession right now…

And at the same time, right now, at this very moment, you really are ok.

Any problems that you’re facing, God really WILL help you…things really will work out ok…even if you can’t see any possible way right now.

So, whatever you do, don’t let these things you desire come between you and God such that you end up moving out of relationship and fellowship with Him.

God IS for you!

God IS leading you in the way that you should go to profit!

Your good WILL come to you with perfect timing!


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

How can I become more prosperous?

If you were to ask me, “How can I become more prosperous?”, here’s some of what I would tell you:

  • Remember to ALWAYS let God be your strength and consider Him in everything you do.
    Be an entrepreneurial, successful, positive, high-value, low-maintenance person so that you can have entrepreneurial, successful, positive, high-value, low-maintenance friends / colleagues.
  • High earners are HUGE action takers, excellent relationship builders, and excellent connection makers. They have the contacts, relationships, and active connections that are benefiting their own and others bank accounts. They got this way ON PURPOSE because striking key relationships is one of the best ways to increase income.
  • Create, produce, implement or provide something that’s of value to others. Now, find a way to improve it. Then, improve it yet again. Next, create, produce, implement, or provide something that’s complimentary to the first thing so that you have two things to offer to people. Keep on repeating this process.
  • It’s PARAMOUNT that you make changes for the better. Get serious. Do things differently. Step outside your comfort zone. Stretch your wings and fly. Connect with people by phone, letter, or best of all, face to face. Put yourself out there – not as a beggar but as a value-provider.
  • Up to this point, YOU have REPEATED a set of tasks and procedures – YOU have operated your own little methodology or system – all of which produced the income level you now have – all of which you’ll need to improve, enhance, upgrade, and add more features, functions, and capabilities to so that you can increase your value production if you desire to increase your income level. This is true whether you work for yourself or someone else.
  • Here in the US as well as in some other countries, a nation’s wealth is measured by its “Gross Domestic Product” (GDP). GDP is a measure of the total market value of goods and services produced that nation’s citizens. It’s the income generated by the output of that country’s citizens. It’s the rewards for all the activity and performance that’s of value to the citizens of that country. And, how much GDP grows from one period to another is a strong indicator of that nations economic health. Guess what? This same concept applies to the personal, individual level – your income IS a MIRROR of your “Gross PERSONAL Production” (GPP).
  • Your “Gross Personal Production” is a matrix of these three things:
  1. Offering and selling existing products or services to people who are new to your world.
  2. Offering and selling something new and wanted to an interested audience who is already a part of your world.
  3. The systems of action, accomplishment, achievement, and completion – systems that create, develop, extend, enhance, convert, improve, and maintain items #1 and #2.
  • Your “Gross Personal Production” – the amount of money you receive – is in proportion to the size of your systems. More specifically, it’s in proportion to how expansive and frequently your systems make valuable offerings to interested people that convert into completed sales.
  • People have set up systems that generate a few hundred dollars (substitute your own currency for those of you outside the US) all the way up to several billion dollars per month. What is your system generating for you each month?
  • Let me say it this way… Money moves towards people and things of value. You can make money selling something of value that you own. You can make money selling something of value that you DON’T own but have the right to sell. To make more money, make more sales. To make more sales, give people – and more people – more opportunities to buy – purposely give them multiple opportunities to buy and give them calculated opportunities to buy multiple things. And always, always be building a customer list so that you always have someone to sell something to. All that you hope for is available for you to have and intelligent, applied, persistent effort and focus will surely abolish the obstacles that are between you and what you want. Be encouraged. We’re still in business for God and as out-of-control as circumstances sometimes seem, God’s still in control of all things.
  • Perhaps, this is a good time to ask the age-old questions: A) What must I begin doing? B) What must I do more of? C) What must I do less of? D) What must I stop doing altogether?

These things are work…they are something that’s out of the norm for you…there are things you don’t know or aren’t sure about…and that’s why many people aren’t prosperous.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

It’s Time for You to Start Being More UNreasonable…

You can’t always avoid seeing the unpleasant, the undesirable, the problem, the trouble, the negative, or the bad.

You can’t always avoid hearing about it either.

Sometimes, it even “hits home” – right in the middle of your affairs, conditions, and circumstances.


You don’t have to tune in to it.

You don’t have to accept it.

You don’t have to embrace it.

Open up your Bible and flip over to the 4 short chapters in the book of Philippians. Notice some of the amazing verses in there…

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it…

For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Now really think about that…

Here is Paul the Apostle is in a Roman prison – and history tells us that these Roman cells were essentially sewage pits – and yet, he’s telling himself and us to think on NOTHING but GOOD things.

That’s what I’m talking about…Yes, Paul was in a bad situation but he wasn’t embracing it. He definitely was not tuning in to it.

In fact, if you weren’t really paying attention, you wouldn’t even realize from reading Philippians that Paul is in prison.

What about you?

What are you tuned in to?

What are you embracing?

If a friend were to call you up and ask you, “How’s it going?” what would come out of your mouth?

The truth is that the good you desire DEPENDS upon you living by Paul’s words, “if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

In other words, if there’s good in it, think about it. Dwell upon it. But, if there’s nothing good about it, then REFUSE TO GIVE IT ANY MENTAL ENERGY!

Don’t think about it. Don’t tell people about it. Just delete it from your mind and turn the focus and the attention of your mind to the good that you desire.

Now, some people say to me, “That’s not even reasonable!”

My response is, “You’re right. God has called us to be “unreasonable” when it comes to living our lives – because the person that’s living their life with their faith placed firmly in God does refuse and reject what they don’t want and firmly embraces their firm belief that God will bring about the Good that they desire – or something better.”

In reading the Gospels, you repeatedly find Jesus “getting on” to people because they weren’t being “unreasonable” enough to believe God for good in the midst of the bad.

It’s time for you to start being more “unreasonable”…the good you desire depends upon it!

No matter what your external conditions and circumstances…

Think the good that you desire.

Speak the good that you desire.

Act the good that you desire.

Today is a PERFECT day for you to start being more UNreasonable!


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

In Tough Times…

God’s people have been sailing through tough times for a long time…

Here’s some commentary on 1 Kings Chapter 17 that I hope you’ll find helpful and encouraging.

As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.

Ok, here’s a problem that certainly has a significant national impact.

And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And it shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have commanded the ravens to feed thee there. So he went and did according unto the word of the LORD: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook.

But, the Lord is CLEARLY taking care of Elijah.

And it came to pass after a while, that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land.

Now, here’s where we get ourselves in trouble.

When God lets a brook dry up…

When God closes a door…

When God shuts down a channel of supply…

We get MAJOR upset. We start thinking that God doesn’t care about us. And of course, the enemy is there to suggest that if God really loved us and cared about us, this wouldn’t be happening to us.

My friend, God doesn’t ever dry up, close up, or shut down anything without simultaneously providing something BETTER!

And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee.

See…I told you the Lord always has something else better for you.

So he arose and went to Zarephath. And when he came to the gate of the city, behold, the widow woman was there gathering of sticks: and he called to her, and said, Fetch me, I pray thee, a little water in a vessel, that I may drink. And as she was going to fetch it, he called to her, and said, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsel of bread in thine hand. And she said, As the LORD thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die.

Isn’t this so like us?

We had plenty to eat yesterday.

We’ve got something to eat today.

Yes, things may or may not be exactly what we want but as of right now, we’re ok, we’re good.

But, when we can’t see tomorrow’s supply we just naturally assume that we’re going to die.

Friend, God’s been taking care of people a long time and He’s going to take care of you and me too!

And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son. For thus saith the LORD God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the LORD sendeth rain upon the earth. And she went and did according to the saying of Elijah: and she, and he, and her house, did eat many days. And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Elijah.

Here’s your take-away point: in no way is God’s supply wasting away nor is His supply failing. God’s abundant supply is ever plenteous and ever available to you and me.

Yes, there are “lean” times and there are “fat” times – according to the cycle of seasons that God has ordained from the beginning of time – but that in no way means that God won’t take care of us.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

How Can I Be Successful Like…

Frequently, people ask me, “How can I be successful like [successful person’s name]?

Sometimes they ask it like this, “How can I be as successful as [successful person’s name]?

And, when they ask me this question, you can feel their frustration, you can feel their hopelessness, you can feel that they don’t believe they can attain the success they desire.

They feel this way because they stopped too soon. They asked one single question and because of how they phrased and positioned the question to themselves, there wasn’t an easy answer and now they’re stuck – and that’s why they feel the way they do.

My friend, you must get beyond limiting questions and learn to ask yourself empowering and enabling questions!

So, in response to their question, I might ask them a question back like, “How successful is [successful person’s name]?

They almost always tell me, “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure”.

Well, as you can already tell from my question and their answer, they don’t even know what their target is. They have nothing more than a vague, ambiguous, ethereal notion of what they want. They just know they want to be more successful.

No wonder they feel stuck, stumped, and frustrated. Trying to hit a target of “nothingness” is ALWAYS a maddening exercise.

The obvious point is that regardless of whatever level of success you perceive someone else to have, you must decide clearly and specifically what level of success YOU want.

But, let’s say they are clear on how successful they want to be. Then, I’ll ask them something like, “What makes [successful person’s name] so successful? In your study of them, what are the specific things that you have observed them doing that you believe causes them to be so successful?

Again, they almost always tell me, “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure”.

So now, we both know that really, their desire for greater success is merely an idle wish. They want “something” but they aren’t really serious about it. They aren’t serious enough about it to actually try to study and figure out how to attain the success they say they want.

Really, they just want something for nothing – and God never supports that model. There is always a sacrifice, there is always a price.

But, I’ll push forward and ask them to give my question some thought for a moment and see if they can come up with some things they “think” the successful person might be doing. And, now that they’re actually thinking about it, they usually come up with two or three things.

Now, I ask them, “Are these things that the successful person does – that you just told me about – are these things that at some level – maybe it’s to a different degree – maybe it’s on a different scale – but at some level, could you do these same things?

Usually, their answer is along the lines of, “Uhhhh, yea, I guess so.”

At which point, I usually ask them one last question, “Do you really want to be as successful as [successful person’s name]? If you do, then you now know what you need to start doing because if you do what they do, you’ll become as successful as they are.

Ask yourself empowering, enabling, thought-provoking questions.

Study success.

Take action.

Success is waiting for you.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

You Be The Success Coach Today…

Sometimes, a person can help themselves the most by turning their attention away from their own situation and giving thought to another person’s situation and considering what the other person could do in order to be more successful.

In doing that, it’s amazing how new ideas and new realizations come to one’s mind for their own situation.

So, with that, I present to you an email that a woman sent me and I’m asking you to consider her situation and leave a comment below based on your thoughts and suggestions.

If you’ll participate and contribute a comment, I believe this could really be educational for everyone.

Here’s her story:


“I am desperate and even more than advice my family needs money. So I would like to know what you would do in my situation.

My husband works very hard. I am a stay home wife/mom. We have four children, 13, 10, 3, and 21 months. I am home because even if I worked, most if not all of my check would go towards child care for my two toddlers.

We have done credit counseling and was advised to file bankruptcy. We don’t have enough money left from our day to day living, to pay off bills. Well we can’t even afford to file bankruptcy! We need 900 dollars for that, and don’t have it.

I have an ebay store and I blog and it seems as though everything we try, we can’t get a grip on things, and still can’t pay our bills. We don’t have credit cards and our credit is so bad we have to pay cash for everything anyway.

We have a family friend who hit a 14 million dollar lottery and gambled it all away at the Casino. Why? My husband and I just want to be debt free and be able to buy a house for our family, and not have to worry about where the rent and grocery money is going to come from.

If we were blessed with 200,000.00 dollars you can best believe we would make the most of it, including helping who we can with what we can. There are rich people who bet that much money on golf games.

Do you know of any who would help a family like mine? Where are the millionaires for Jesus that would take a family like mine and give us a chance for a brand new start?”


What are your thoughts?

What’s this lady doing right and what’s she doing wrong?

How is she thinking right and how is she thinking wrong?

Where is her focus right and where is it wrong?

Click the COMMENTS link below and give us all your perspective, insight and wisdom so that everyone can benefit from it.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

An Elaboration on Microsoft’s Marketing Secrets…

There are five key reasons why I believe Microsoft has been so financially successful.

1. Big, bold, aggressively pursued vision.
2. Aggressive recruitment of the smartest people
3. Drive and hard work by everyone
4. Creating win-win’s for businesses
5. Creating win-win’s for individuals

Let me now describe what I believe to be Microsoft’s marketing secrets to success. Because the first three are outside the realm of marketing, I’ll skip past them and start with the fourth one:

4. Creating win-win’s for businesses

IBM had a problem. They had a computer to sell but they didn’t have an operating system to drive their computer. And, their software people were telling them it was going to be at least two years before they could have a reliable operating system ready.

Being the sales-driven company that IBM was/is, all they needed was someone to provide them with an operating system and they could start selling personal computers right away – and gain the marketing advantage of being “first to market”.

That’s where Bill Gates came into the picture. He told IBM that he could provide them with the operating system they needed within 6 months – creating a win-win for both Bill and his dream and IBM for their goal of “first to market” personal computer dominance.

Now, IBM did make some “concessions” that seem foolish at this point. But, at the same time, the reason Bill Gates was able to get these concessions was because he really was creating a win for IBM.

On the flip side, Bill had to make several concessions too – and some of these could have really worked against him given the right/wrong circumstances. For example, Bill had to agree that when IBM had their own operating system ready, Microsoft’s DOS would be out and IBM’s operating system would be in.

From my perspective, IBM’s two big mistakes were: A) failing to realize the importance of the software side up front, B) arrogantly thinking that they could take over the software side when they were ready.

As history has shown, Microsoft out-implemented and out-executed IBM in the realm of personal computer software – because of the first three keys: vision, smart people, and hard work.

And, as history has also shown, where and when it made sense for them to do so, Microsoft has been incredibly good – far better than most – at creating win-win relationships with other businesses.

But, there was an even more important side to their marketing smartness…

5. Creating win-win’s for individuals

Prior to Microsoft Windows, the computers that commercial businesses used were big and the software that ran them was expensive.

In particular, the compilers and linkers needed to create software generally started in the $250,000 range and went up from there. Obviously, that meant that only businesses with deep financial pockets were going to be creating any software.

But then, Bill Gates came along and started telling people who were “tech-heads”, “Hey, I’ve got this new little operating system called Windows and I’ll make a deal with you…buy Windows and if you’ll buy it right now, I’ll sell it to you for half the listed price of $95 PLUS I’ll GIVE you a compiler and linker so that you can write your own software programs.

Within a year, men and women by the hundreds – maybe even thousands – were writing little software programs for Windows.

Then, Bill came back to all those people, and said, “Hey, that’s some pretty neat software you’ve written there…can I help you sell that?”

And the more Bill helped individuals create and sell their Windows-based software, the more copies of his Windows operating system he sold – and the greater his dominance became in the marketplace.

This is STILL Microsoft’s number one strategy for growing their business – and you can see this by looking at how and where they allocate their marketing dollars…their marketing budget is overwhelmingly focused on reaching tech-heads and helping them create and use more Microsoft-based or Microsoft-oriented software.

Just like with businesses, time has proven that Microsoft has been incredibly good at creating win-win relationships with individuals.

So, what can you do with all of this?

Consciously get past the tendency to think myopically and start to think bigger and broader in terms of creating win-win’s in as many places as you possibly can.

Begin thinking in terms of helping other people float their boats higher – which will cause your own boat to float higher.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

If You’ve Been Feeling A Little Down Lately…

It may be that you have times when you forget all that you have on your side…

And all that you have going for you…

And you start thinking you’re all alone…

That you’re trying to do all this good stuff by yourself…

And nobody is helping you…

Let alone caring about you.

If you’ve found yourself thinking these kinds of thoughts lately, let me remind you; the enemy of all good wants to distract you and get you off course so that you’ll miss out on your good.

Let me also remind you of the REAL TRUTH:

It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.” Psalms 18:32

When I was a young man, there was one summer where I worked for an outfit operating heavy equipment – large tractors and bulldozer’s. I can remember being amazed at the incredible power these machines possessed.

All I had to do was wrap my hand around the throttle and give it a small forward movement and whatever was behind my tractor or in front of my dozer was moving – whether it wanted to or not.

And yet, as powerful as that equipment was, it was nothing compared to the power of God and the strength that He ENVELOPES you with, RIGHT NOW.

So implant this firmly in your mind, “It is God that girdeth me with strength”.

And, when you feel like nothing is working, when you feel like you’ve messed everything up, when it feels like everything is wrong and nothing is right…

That’s the absolute BEST time to remind yourself, “[God] maketh my way perfect”.

There’s more I want you to recall…

Thou [God] shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side.” Psalms 71:21

Brother or sister, do you realize that God has put GREATNESS in YOU? He installed it in you and now – NO MATTER WHAT IT SEEMS LIKE TO YOU – HE IS INCREASING YOUR GREATNESS.

He just asks that you keep doing your best, that you keep moving forward, that you keep the faith.

Soon enough, you’ll find yourself being amazed at all the great things that God is doing through you. And, you’ll enjoy God’s comfort all around you as well as the comfort of wonderful people all around you.

Be encouraged. Things really are better than what you realize.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

How To Get Out Of Debt (And How To Stay Out Of Debt)

I frequently get emails much like this one:

Hello Millionaires For Jesus,

Without going into specifics, I need financial assistance. Before I can become a “Millionaire for Jesus” I need guidance on how to get out of debt. I am not looking for a handout. I need specific guidance to get out of specific debt until I can have controllable debt. Please advise.


Before I describe the process of eliminating debt, I first need to make sure you are fully AWARE of a certain choice you’ve already made – one that you may not have even been aware that you made it. The choice was to:

  1. Operate on credit (easy on the front-end, painful on the back-end)
  2. Operate on cash (can be unpleasant on the front-end, easy on the back-end)

This is a significant CHOICE to make – this is a WAY OF LIVING choice – a choice that will impact you for the rest of your life with far-reaching consequences.

Also, this is a choice that everyone makes no matter what level of income they have.

It’s a choice one makes to:

  1. Get immediate gratification and forgo greater future enjoyment
  2. Forgo immediate gratification and gain greater future enjoyment

Somewhere along the way, a person DECIDES which way they are going to live and operate.

After that, they just habitually live and operate that way.

Here’s the thing, nobody ever stops wanting. If a person wants ABC, as soon as they get ABC, they’ll begin to want DEF. As soon as they have DEF, they’ll want GHI.

So, when a person operates on credit, they can quickly and easily get ABC.

But, the price that MUST be paid in order to get ABC now is to pay two to three times more for it on the back-end over what ABC would have cost if bought with cash up-front.

And, because they are paying for ABC twice or three times, that makes it more difficult for them to get DEF.

And, if they do manage to somehow get DEF, they have now indebted themselves to the point they’ll never be able to get or enjoy GHI because they’re struggling just to get ABC and DEF paid off.

Here’s an example you can check out for yourself: a $200,000 home with a 30-year, 8% interest mortgage will end up costing more than $515,000.

When you look at this truth, you can realize that you aren’t paying 8% interest. In reality, you’re paying almost 200% interest.

How wise is that?

(Approximately 1/3 of a mortgage pays for the home and approximately 2/3 of the mortgage pays interest – that equals 200% interest. But of course, lending companies know that if they positioned their business in its true light, far fewer people would borrow. And so, they use an “amortized” approach so they can tell you that you are borrowing at “8%”.)

If you were to walk up to the average person and ask them if they would trade you one of their $5 bills for two of your $1 bills you know they’d say, “No!”

And yet, the average person frequently makes this same kind of foolish exchange with far bigger numbers that have far more negative and severe impacts on their lives.

In Luke 14:28, Jesus speaks of “counting the cost”. If up to this point, you have not consciously made it your way of living to count the current cost compared to the future cost, it would be wise for you to begin to do so.

At this point, you may be thinking to yourself, “But, I have to have a home. And, there’s no way I can pay cash for it given my current means. What am I supposed to do?

The answer is that you DON’T buy a $200,000 house with a 30-year mortgage. Instead, you buy a $75,000 house with a 10 or 15-year mortgage. Your interest rate will be lower and the payment amount is one that you can much more easily afford to pay. From there, you pay as much as you can towards the principle loan amount and you make as many IMPROVEMENTS TO THE HOME as you can. With appropriate improvements, in one to three years you should be able to easily sell the home for a nice $10,000 – $30,000 profit.

Then, you take this profit and roll it into another $75,000 house – except this time, you have a smaller mortgage. In 10 years or less (usually less), you can work your way all the way up to the same $200,000 home that I gave in the example above – except you’ll be able to pay cash for it.

Think of that, paying cash for your $200,000 dollar home in 10 years while all your friends will be into their retirement years before they get theirs paid off.

Yes, your friends may laugh at you early on for buying a $75,000 “fixer-upper”. But at the end, you’ll be the one laughing, not them. And, as the old saying goes, “He who laughs last, laughs best.

While your friends are struggling with their debt, your dealing with how to best invest that extra $315,000 THAT YOU HAVE that they are giving away to someone else.

You’re making YOU RICH.

They’re making SOMEONE ELSE RICH.

Which model do you like better?

Let me shift the topic a bit…

People often ask me if debt is ever appropriate. In my opinion, unless a debt is a carefully calculated business investment – meaning the “cost” of the money is “calculatably”, logically, and real-worldly (think Murphy’s Law) less than the return on the use of the money, it should be avoided.

Even when the cost of money is less than the return, it is my viewpoint to look for alternative approaches and means besides using debt.


Because I value my FREEDOM. And, when I owe someone, I am REQUIRED to make considerations, choices, and decisions that I otherwise would not make! Specifically, I choose to serve God rather than man.

However you choose to look at it, what I can for sure say is thatANY DEBT THAT DOES NOT MAKE YOU MONEY IS BAD FOR YOUR FINANCIAL HEALTH.

Here’s something else for you to keep in mind…

You don’t deal with darkness by “fighting” with darkness. Instead, you focus on creating light and the darkness disappears. Similarly, you don’t deal with coldness by “fighting” with it. Rather, you create heat and the coldness goes away.

I say this to point out that although I’m about to give you a process to eliminate debt, at some point you don’t so much deal with the debt as much as you focus on creating wealth – and if you operate as God would have you operate according to the Bible – the debt just “goes away” and wealth is left in place.

In some cases, the amount of debt can be so LARGE that a person can quite literally never be able to “pay it off” via normal means. In this case, the ONLY solution is to devote all of your God-given creative ability towards creating a LARGER amount of money – one that will not only take care of the debt but also leave you an overage that can be used to create additional wealth.

Lastly, remember that no one gets into a bad debt position overnight and no one gets out of it overnight. Becoming debt-free is a process of discipline and time. And, these two are inversely related – the more disciplined you are, the less time that’s needed. Conversely, the less disciplined you are, the more time that’s needed to eliminate the debt.

Think of it this way, to bring about anything good requires a “gestation period”. And usually, that gestation period isn’t the most comfortable experience (just ask any pregnant woman). But, when the good has “birthed”, you forget all about the unpleasantness of gestation for the joy of the good that has been born. (John 16:21)

Now, here’s a proven process for getting out of debt:

  1. From this point forward you do NOT buy anything unless you can pay cash for it. If you do not have the cash for it, you do not buy it, do it, or go there.
  2. List out each of your debts – from the smallest, most trivial item all the way up to your biggest items such as your mortgage – with their respective balance owed, interest rate, monthly payment amount, and number of payments remaining. From this information, sort your debts in an intelligent pay off order. (Usually, it makes the most sense to put those debts that have the smallest number of payments remaining at the top and those with the greatest number of payments remaining at the bottom.)
  3. For the debt that is at the top of the list, you pay AS MUCH AS YOU CAN POSSIBLY PAY on that debt each month and the absolute minimum payment on EVERYTHING ELSE.
  4. Once you have paid off the first debt, you then take what you were paying on the first debt and add that amount to what you’re paying on the second debt – the second debt now being the primary target of elimination. Again, you continue to pay the absolute minimum payment on everything else that’s lower on the list. (This is where most people dig themselves into a deeper hole – once they pay off a debt, they go get their “next toy” and take on another, usually bigger debt.)
  5. Once debt number two is paid off, then the payment amount that WAS going towards the first debt PLUS the payment amount that WAS going towards the second debt now gets added to the minimum payment of debt number three. As you can see, what you’re doing is doubling, tripling, quadrupling, etc the payment you’re making on each successive debt. The net result is that the debt elimination starts out slow but quickly gains speed and momentum with the payoff of each debt.
  6. You continue this simple process until your every debt is gone. By zealously following this process, a family can take 30+ years of debt – including their mortgage – and pay all of it off in less than 10 years.
  7. Once all debts are eliminated, you take the monthly payment that was going towards debt and you start paying that amount into your very own wealth-building account. Because of the amount of these payments you can begin accruing wealth quite quickly.

At this point, I want you to take a moment and consider the difference between the person who has followed this debt-elimination process and the person I described above who avoided debt as much as possible. The Lord willing, they’re both going to pass through the 10 years. The difference is their position at the end of the 10 years.

The person who has USED debt extensively must use the 10 years to build OTHER PEOPLES wealth. In contrast, the person who has AVOIDED debt as much as possible can begin building his or her own wealth almost immediately.

Now, let me address a common problem… If you’re having a hard time paying all of your bills, consider these points:

  1. DO put smart thought into a plan and then take decisive action. As an example, it makes NO sense to “hole up in your house” and “hide from the world” if you’re headed for foreclosure. Not only does it not make any sense, it’s just plain dumb to set there until the sheriff’s deputy shows up to evict you. Even if the only plan you can come up with is to sell the house, at least you’re doing something to move yourself into a more positive position.
  2. DO communicate frequently, firmly, and professionally with creditors. Explain to them what your current plans and actions are. Explain to them all the things that you are doing to rectify the problem. Reassure them that you WILL pay them everything you owe them. To avoid communicating with creditors is to make the problem WORSE. For example, it’s not wise to avoid a creditor until he or she finally sues you for wage garnishment of the debt PLUS court costs and legal fees.
  3. Ask creditors if they can restructure or rewrite the debt so that you have lower payments. Of course, this will result in a higher interest rate and a longer payoff term but at least you give yourself some breathing room and the space to get back up on your feet where you can pay what you owe.
  4. DO seriously consider liquidating everything that you possibly can. Sometimes the best solution is to set your ego and emotional attachments aside, sell your house, sell your cars, sell your boat, sell your whatever, and rent a small place until you can get back on your feet. Rather than view this as embarrassing and humiliating, view it as an adventure that didn’t work out so well and now you are embarking on a new adventure.

As a last resort, you can consider seeking assistance from:

  1. Credit counselors – These people will analyze your situation, make recommendations, and will even call creditors on your behalf and get them to agree to extended payment terms. Usually, in this model you pay one payment to the credit counselor’s agency and they disburse payments to the various creditors. Of course, there is a fee for the credit counselor’s agency to do all of this for you. Also, just so you are aware, the fact that you’ve sought assistance from a credit counselor will show up on your credit report.
  2. Loan consolidators – These are private businesses who lend you money so that you can pay off all of your debts and then you owe just one creditor – the new lender. Unfortunately, if your situation is in too big of a mess (i.e. your credit is too bad), you may not qualify for the loan. Also, watch out for prepayment penalties. These types of companies usually make their money by getting you to agree to a long-term payment plan at a high interest rate – and they’re not interested in you “taking money out of their pocket” by paying your loan off early.

WARNING: Carefully and prayerfully evaluate any third-party solutions as there ARE those who are scammers and con-artists looking to take as much money from you as they can and then “disappear”. Be particularly cautious when the word “free” is used.

Now, there’s one more thing I feel obligated to tell you…

The “world’s” system is your financial enemy. Society’s financial messages are NOT for your good.

Consider the Visa advertisements that play adrenalin-pumping music as hordes of people use their credit card. And then, one lone guy pulls out his wallet and attempts to pay with cash. Immediately, the music stops and the hordes of people place their look of disapproval upon the one guy (click here for an example).

This message of “buy on credit” is hammered into millions of people’s heads every night…

Yes, they make it look fun and yes they cover it up with the guise that it’s “faster” and “safer”…

Yes, these hordes of people buying on credit are the 95% of the population who die dead-broke…

Yes, these hordes of people never get to enjoy time-freedom and financial independence…

They are another man’s servant…

Money is their master…for they never learned to master money…

They spent their life dancing to the beat of the wrong drum…

Consider the words of Solomon in Proverbs 28:22, “He that hasteth to be rich hath an evil eye, and considereth not that poverty shall come upon him.

With this verse in mind, ask yourself this question; “Is the use of credit anything more than just another way to hurry up and be rich?

Isn’t it true that the use of credit is nothing more than the desire to “live rich” and “be rich” now rather than later?

Consider another verse found in Proverbs 13:11, “Wealth gotten by vanity (debt) shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.

Going back to the choice I mentioned at the beginning…

“The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.” – Proverbs 22:7

Do you now choose to operate with cash only and be rich? Or, do you choose to operate on credit and be a servant?

Here’s God’s will for your life… “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another” – Romans 13:8

Take these words to God in prayer and ask Him to lead you into all truth.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

Wanting a Blessing While Cursing Everything…

Have you ever noticed…

When you’re attending a church service, it’s EASY to BLESS the Lord and to thank Him for His many blessings…

But, from the time you step outside your church’s doors until the time you step back inside them, it’s EASY to CURSE everything in your life?

Nobody means to…

Often, people don’t even realize they’re doing it…

They gripe about ________.

They complain about ________.

They’re unhappy about ________ and they tell everyone so.

You’ve heard them…

Maybe, you’ve heard yourself…

“That stupid ________ never works. I hate that thing!”

“That neighbor of ours is such an idiot. He’s going to mess around and tear up our ________.”

“You kids haven’t got a brain in your head do you? All you know how to do is destroy ________.”

“My boss thinks his sole purpose in life is to make my life miserable!”

“Come on you piece of junk car, start!”

“This economy is killing my business!”

“One more down-slide on my stocks and I’m going to be ruined!”

“I can’t get rid of this headache!”

As Jesus told Saul (Paul) in Acts 9:5, “It’s hard for thee to kick against the pricks”.

As it pertains to you and I…

It’s hard for us to attract blessings into our life if we are actively cursing – no matter how hard or soft – no matter how direct or indirect – everything that’s currently in our experience.

Let’s make a change. Let’s do this instead…

Let’s bless everybody and everything for good – both in church and out of church.

Remember, “ALL things work together FOR GOOD to them that love God”.

You love God, right?

That means that no matter how things “appear” in your experience, you can KNOW that it’s a “package of GOOD” specially-prepared by God for YOU.

So, if you can go ahead and BLESS EVERYTHING in your experience, that good can get to you – faster.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

Here’s Your World News Report…

There’s something I need to tell you…

The spiritual realm is important. It’s wonderful to enjoy a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Did you know that God has prepared other realms for you to enjoy besides that?

Contrary to what you see on television, hear on the radio, read in the newspaper, or hear from people around you…

The earth is full of the goodness of the LORD. (Psalms 33:5)”

Opportunity, abundance, wealth, riches, happiness, peace, loving relationships, wonderful friends, all of THE GOOD STUFF – it’s ALL there.

You may be asking, “Why did God create all this good stuff?”

You make me smile…


(If that’s not enough emphasis for you, then hear it in the words of a little kid; “It’s for you, dum-dum!”)

Maybe you’re feeling a little “poor” in all of this goodness. If so, I have some good news for you…

Thou, O God, hast prepared of thy goodness for the poor. (Psalms 68:10)”

Yes, all that other negative, nasty, yucky, unhappy stuff exists too…

It’s there for you to enjoy if that’s the sort of thing you enjoy…and many seemingly do since that’s what they devote all their time, attention, and energy to.

But what of the good stuff could you begin to enjoy right now? What of the goodness and fullness of life that God has created – just for you – could you begin to plan for its’ soon enjoyment?


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

Can Rich People Go To Heaven?

The following question came from a reader:

“Can a Christian be wealthy? What about it being easier for the camel going through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God? That scares me a lot!”

This concern is one that many church-goers share.

Interestingly, I’ve found that it’s not a concern for Bible-readers – those who study out the Bible for themselves seeking to personally know God as He describes Himself in His Word.

As an aside, one of the most succinct settings of scriptures I’ve found that describes the overall nature of God can be found in Job 22:21-30. Go read it for yourself and let God talk to your heart.

Now, let me address this “eye of a needle” question…

If you study this out historically, you’ll find that a “needle” was a small opening in the sides of a walled or fenced city. It was designed to give people a convenient way in and out of the city without having to go all the way around to a main gate.

However, because this represented a “security breach” these openings were made smaller so that they could be easily defended in the event an enemy attacked. Because these openings were smaller, a camel had to get down on its knees in order to get through the opening.

So in fact, Christ gave a great analogy for how most people deal with and react to money. Let me restate what Christ was saying like this:

“It’s easier for a camel to get down on its knees and crawl through a small hole than it is for most people to overcome the temptation and desire to lift themselves up rather than God and money is the best way they know to lift themselves up – because to them, money is power, recognition, and attention.”

This reveals the real question…

“Where do you want the power to go?”

If you are the kind of person who wants to bring power to yourself, then for you, money IS bad.

Or, more accurately, you’ve not yet really sold out to Christ because Galatians 5:24-26 says:

“And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.”

Think about those scriptures. Can you see a person who is living their life according to these scriptures having a problem with money?

I don’t think so!

In Psalms 62:11, we read that “power belongeth unto God“. The person who is sold out to Christ WANTS to give power, glory, honor, praise, thanksgiving, and increase to God.

But a funny thing happens when you really sell out and give all to God…

If you’ll consider the rest of the scriptures about the “camel” and the “eye of the needle” (Matthew 19 and Mark 10), you’ll see that Jesus goes on to tell the audience that those who do “forsake riches” will be given 100 times more riches in this world and life everlasting.

What does that mean?

It means that it takes Faith in God to become a Millionaire for Jesus – someone who has the financial ability and time freedom to be a servant in God’s Kingdom – and God always rewards faith both financially and spiritually. (Go read through the the Bible if you don’t believe me.)

On the other hand, it takes no faith to be poor – just go with the flow and you’ll be poor.

Hebrews 11 lets us know that “without faith it is impossible to please him [God]“. Jesus asked this question in Luke 18:8:

“when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”

The other thing that’s interesting about this camel story is that Christ was talking to wealthy people – and you can tell that from the response they give him and the follow-up conversation that ensues. If they had been poor people, their response would have been quite different.

You see, contrary to popular opinion, most of the disciples were wealthy men. If you look at Peter and his brothers, you’ll find that they were business owners. They were ship owners. They didn’t own log rafts or little row boats. They owned ships. Ships have always been something that only extremely wealthy people have the means to own.

As a different example, consider at Christ’s crucifixion he had on a set of clothes that were so nice the soldiers drew lots for it. Now, if he had been wearing a “poor” persons clothes, do you think these soldiers would have wanted them? Of course not! In today’s terms, Christ had on the equivalent of an Armani suit and the soldiers recognized its value and wanted to keep it.

Now, consider this… In Luke 16:13, we read, “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” It is my observation that many people think they are serving God when in fact, they are serving “mammon” (money).

Why do I say this?

I say this because I continue to see people who are financially BOUND to their job. They don’t make decisions based on what God’s will is or what God’s purpose is for their life. They make their decisions based on money – usually their lack thereof.

So I ask you, if you are making virtually all of your decisions based on money, who are you serving?

The fact is, if God were to speak to most people and ask them to go do such and such, they couldn’t do it because they are financially obligated and bound.

Let me wrap this up…

According to the Bible, money IS a good thing and God wants to give it to us if we’ll use it as a tool to love people and to build up and expand His Kingdom. And, while we are doing these “good works”, God in turn gives us the goodness and fullness of life to enjoy.

There are many, many different scriptures I could use to back up what I just said but for the sake of space, I’ll only use one – 1 Timothy 6:17-19 which says:

“Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate; Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.”

One last question for you…

Based on these scriptures here in 1 Timothy, how are you going to lay up store for yourself a good foundation so that you can lay hold on eternal life if you don’t have money?

I’m not at all saying you have to have money to be saved. But, I am saying that being involved in good works does require money – and the more money you have, the more good works you can be involved in.

For more discussion on poor versus rich, take a look at this:


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

It Was So Frustrating! It Was So Perfect! If You Only Knew…

Have you ever felt like the path of life was “one step forward and two steps backwards”?

Have you ever experienced frustration over what you thought was a “lucky break” but later, it just didn’t “pan out”?

Have you ever found yourself discouraged and even despondent because your achievements and accomplishments were far less than what you wanted and dreamed of?

Have you ever started a job or a business and thought, “This is the one! This is the one that’s going to get me over the top.” Eventually, in disappointment, you realized it wasn’t the one.

If you said yes to any of the above, then hear the Word of the Lord:

For the LORD our God, he it is that brought us up … and … did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed” — Joshua 24:17

As you read the previous verse, did you see what God is doing FOR YOU as you walk the path of life and as you cross paths with people?

Did you see that God is:

  • Growing, developing, grooming, and mentoring YOU
  • Doing great things in your life – that you may not even fully realize or recognize yet
  • Preserving you because he has blessings and a purpose for YOU

I’m not done yet.

It gets even better.

My friend, God is building, developing, and preparing you for so much good – both the giving and the receiving of good – and like a small child doesn’t yet understand the good that its parents are doing for it, you don’t yet understand the good that God is doing for you.

But, understand this: God is making your way perfect. Right at this moment in time, you may not feel like that’s true. But, I assure you it absolutely is true because the Bible tells us:

God is my strength and power: And he maketh my way perfect.” — 2 Samuel 22:33

It’s all good. Everything that happens is for good. Go inside yourself and realize with ever fiber of your being that as sure as you move, breathe, and have your being in God, it’s just as sure that He’s making your way more and more perfect.

One last thing…

What would happen if you were to let go of those feelings of frustration and disappointment and trade them for faith, trust, and confidence in God to take everything that’s happened in your life – both good and bad – and turn it into greater and greater good?

What if you made this trade and faith, trust, and confidence in God became your new mode of operation?
It’s incredibly simple. It’s incredibly hard. It’s surrendering to God.

Could you?

Would you?



© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

When you consider the whole, you’ve got a lot to be thankful for…

You know, most people generally categorize their lives into 5 categories:

  1. Financial
  2. Health
  3. Intellectual
  4. Relationships
  5. Spiritual

Now, consider this. If you are like the majority of people, you would like for things to be different in 1 or 2 of these categories…

…and it’s so easy to place a lot of NEGATIVE emphasis on these 1 or 2 areas…

…and totally forget how GOOD things are in the other 3 or 4 categories of your life.

But, if you think about it:

  1. No matter what your financial status is right now, you HAVE the ability to CREATE new money or more money as you go forward.
  2. Related to health, you HAVE a body that God has designed to repair, restore, regenerate, and renew itself – so that you can HAVE complete health as you go forward.
  3. Regardless of who you are, you HAVE certain knowledge and understanding and you HAVE the ability to experience the joy of learning as you go forward.
  4. Whether you have the best or the worst relationships, you HAVE the ability to CREATE wonderful, loving, happy relationships of harmony, unity, respect, and helpfulness as you go forward.
  5. Even if your spiritual life is in shambles, you HAVE forgiveness of sins and reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ so that the spiritual part of you can be happy, content, satisfied, and at peace as you go forward.

As you look at all of the things that you HAVE and that you can CREATE as you go forward, do you realize that you have a lot to be thankful for?

So, going back to those 1 or 2 areas that you wish were different, just remember that they are temporary situations and that soon, they too will be much, much better.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

If God’s So Good, Why All The Debt, Poverty, And Bad Things?

Over and over people come to my MillionairesForJesus.com website and they ask questions like:

  • “How do I break away from just over broke?”
  • “I want to help people but financially, I just can’t.”
  • “Why is it that non-Christians always have plenty of money?”
  • “How do I get out of debt?”
  • “Why do bad things happen to Christians?

To answer these questions, let me first ask you a question.

Have you ever wanted something?

Have you ever found yourself wanting to do, be, or have a certain thing?

Let’s take a closer look at this phenomenon of “WANT”.

Psalms 34:10 – “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not WANT any GOOD thing.

WANT is another word for LACK.

LACK is not of God.

No matter where you are at or what your situation, it’s not God’s will for you to LACK.

For example, in Deuteronomy 2:7 – “For the LORD thy God hath blessed thee in all the works of thy hand: he knoweth thy walking through this great wilderness: these forty years the LORD thy God hath been with thee; thou hast lacked nothing.

This makes it clear that even in “wilderness” times in life, we aren’t to lack in any area of our life.

If we look at Exodus 16:35 and Deuteronomy 29:5 we see that during “wilderness” times we may not get to eat exactly what we want, we may have a limited wardrobe, and we may wear the same pair of shoes a little longer than we would like, but we won’t lack the things that we have need of.

Now, let’s consider Deuteronomy 8:9 – “[The promised land,] A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass.

In this verse, we see that during the “promised land” times of life, we have abundance, we have everything we want, AND, we have unlimited opportunities that we can “dig” into.

Within God’s way, whether times are “good” or times are “bad” we will not lack.

Isn’t that exciting?

So, why do so many Christians find themselves wanting and lacking?

It’s because they aren’t doing things in accordance with God’s Word.

Perhaps King David said it best of all in Psalms 23:1 – “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not WANT.

King David is saying that he absolutely will not allow himself to WANT anything.

That seems kind of strange, doesn’t it? Why would King David not allow himself to WANT anything?

It’s because he understood that the mind has a few funny quirks in the way that it works.

Let’s explore…


Now, carefully and slowly read this statement; “Don’t think of your vehicle sitting outside.

What did you just do?

If you did as I asked you to do, you immediately pictured your car, truck, or whatever you drive sitting out in your driveway, your garage, or a parking lot, didn’t you?

You see, the mind doesn’t have the ability to think in “NOT” or “DON’T” terms.

When you put a “negative” spin in your words and thoughts, it’s like your mind INVERTS it to the exact opposite.

This is exactly what happens when we WANT something. Our mind INVERTS the WANT into a picture of LACK – giving us the exact opposite effect of what we really desire.

Can you see what I’m talking about? Do you hear what I’m saying? Are you getting the feel of what I’m writing about?

So now the question is, how does a person get out of the “wilderness” of WANT and LACK and over into the “promised land” of plenty, abundance, and opportunity?

The answer is by focusing on “HAVING”.

Consider the words of Christ in Matthew 25:29 – “For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

This makes it very plain that when our attention and focus is on HAVING, we’ll be given more and we’ll have abundance. But, when our focus is on WANTING, we’re going to lose whatever we’ve gained up to this point.

It’s now quite clear why King David said, “I shall not WANT”, isn’t it?

One of the many variations of the previously quoted scripture and concept is found in Luke 8:18 – “Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.

In this verse, Christ is telling us the same thing as in the previous verse but makes an important distinction, “Take heed therefore how ye hear”.

In other words, of all the information coming to you through your five physical senses, how are you “hearing” the information? How are you thinking about it? How do you “feel” about it?

For many, the information coming in through the senses produces fear, doubt, uncertainty, anxiety, want, lack, and poverty. This isn’t going to give us what we desire, is it? That’s why Christ is telling us to be careful how we hear, think, and feel.

There’s another piece to HAVING that which we desire. In Mark 11:23, we read, “He shall HAVE whatsoever he saith.

Start talking as if you HAVE that which you desire.

I now ask you to mentally “bookmark” and “highlight” this two-word phrase; “Experientially Having”.

Here’s what I want you to get out of this phrase; let go of the “wanting” and start EXPERIENCING the “having” in any way that you can whether MENTALLY, VERBALLY, or PHYSICALLY.

As you find yourself going about your day, remember, “Experientially Having” is YOUR key to all the abundance and success you desire.

And, as you go through day after day remembering to focus on “Experientially Having”, keep in mind that Christ told us that FAITH is like a “seed” (Matthew 17:20).

Whether you see anything yet or not, KNOW that the continuously held process of “Experientially Having” will ABSOLUTELY cause that which you desire to start sprouting roots and growing within God’s HIDDEN SOIL of the Universe and at God’s appointed time, it will BURST OUT into your physical world – YOURS TO FULLY ENJOY.

Then, as you’re enjoying God’s blessings and abundance, be sure to use it to build up and expand the Kingdom of God.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

Funny, How We Get The Time Thing Backwards…

When we are having fun, time flies by. It all happens so fast.

If we aren’t careful, good times will be nothing more than a blur that’s over with before we know it because we didn’t slow down to savor the moment.

Then, someone will ask how it was and we’ll say something like, “It was great”. And they’ll ask back, “What was great about it?” And we can’t really tell them because we were busy flying through it and weren’t really paying attention.

But now, let’s consider the other side of this coin…

When things are bad, when we are going through hard times, when the trials and difficulties of life come our way, it’s like time stops.

We start thinking that it will always be like this. We start believing that it’s forever. We get caught up in the emotions that it will never get better, that we’re forever doomed.

And we don’t even wait for someone to ask, we just start telling everyone we can get to half-way listen how bad it is – in full detail. I mean, we can give more gory details about how bad our situation is than the listener would ever want to hear. When tough times come, it’s amazing how quickly we can develop a full, clear picture of it and how clearly we can articulate it.

Is it just me or are we all crazy for doing this?

Here’s what I suggest…

During those times of goodness and fullness of life that God has for us, let’s slow down time by paying more attention to:

  • The vibrancy of colors
  • The spectrum of sounds
  • The range of feelings
  • The vastness and depth of sights
  • The fabulous tastes of life
  • The amazing smells of renewal, growth, and refreshment

As we experience good times, let’s imagine that we will soon be required to give a complete description of our “good time” to someone who’s never experienced anything like it. Let’s capture every little nuance and every little detail. Let’s become aware and alive. Let’s get the real experience of it. And then let’s share it with someone so that they become inspired to enjoy life more fully too.

Then, when those not-so-pleasant times come, let’s just learn whatever lessons we can glean from them. Let’s grow from them in every way that we can. And, as we’re learning and growing, let’s dismiss all the negative and gory details as insignificant.

In this way, we’ll just let those bad times fly by and slow down those good times so we can fully enjoy them.

What do you think?


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

YOU Must Be A Pretty Special Person…

I was thinking of you…

It takes courage to continue walking forward in faith in the face of disappointments and setbacks. You worked so hard. You put so much into it. You gave it all your emotional and physical energy. And then, right before your very eyes, your hopes and dreams were dashed.

It’s at this point that other people develop a strong case of “NOSTALGIA” – but not you. Others start thinking BACKWARDS to what they remember as “good” times when everything was “ok” – but not you.

These other people let their memory build a beautiful picture of the past that becomes irresistible to them – but not you.

“Besides,” they say, “my hopes and dreams didn’t work out anyway, right? Why fight it? It’s too much. It’s too hard. It wears on the nerves.”

And they gave up. They forsook their dreams and went BACKWARDS – but not you.

Only problem was, their memory served them WRONG! Their memory fabricated a false picture of the past. The past wasn’t nearly as great as they remembered it. Even if it was “ok”, God isn’t interested in sitting still. God’s interested in moving forward, onward, upward, to bigger, better, greater, grander, more wonderful things in YOUR life and His Kingdom.

You kept in mind the story found in Numbers chapter 11 where the Children of Israel started talking about how great Egypt was. How they remembered the vegetables but forgot about the slavery, the abuse, and the killing of their children. They started looking BACKWARDS and “the anger of the LORD was greatly kindled” against them.

But you didn’t let yourself do this, did you.

I’m glad you realize that God doesn’t want you looking BACKWARDS.

I’m glad you realize that God has something better for you as you go FORWARD in faith.

Those hopes and dreams that you have? That’s God wanting to express Himself through YOU.

Even in the face of disappointments and setbacks, you realize that God is making you. When those hopes and dreams were dashed, that wasn’t failure. That was God teaching you and making you. You saw that, didn’t you?

For others, when events don’t match up with what they WANT to happen, they tend to start thinking of them in a negative way. They tend to view them as failures – and then they allow their emotions and feelings to take over – and then they start going BACKWARDS.

But you didn’t.

You remembered that God commands us to “walk by faith” and not by our emotions and feelings.

I see that you realize, believe, and accept that everything that is happening in your life is working together for your good.

That’s absolutely amazing! There’s not very many people like you.

I hear you remembering God’s words found in Isaiah 48:17 – “Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go.”

And as you remember these words, you threw away your disappointment and discouragement. You said that, “No matter how it may seem or feel, everything in my life is right on plan and on target. It’s all good! God has great things that He’s leading me TOWARDS.”

And now, you’re letting that beautiful smile of yours break out on your face as you realize that it is going to be PROFITABLE for you AND for God.

And, as you think of this, God is looking at you with a heart full of love, with tears of happiness and excitement in His eyes as HE sees ALL the GOOD that HE IS PERFORMING and is going to PERFORM in YOUR life.

I mean WOW! The Almighty God of Heaven and Earth with all His power, might, and creation – and His eye and focus is on making GOOD in YOUR LIFE!

You know, in a lot of ways, you remind me of a man in the Bible… A man named Joseph who went from dreamer, to slave, to convict, to GOVERNOR.

Yes, you must be a pretty special person.


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

Saying Yes To Wealth and Success…

There are many differences between the wealthy and the poor – the successful and the unsuccessful – but here is one major difference that I’ve seen a lot of lately…

Imagine that an idea or a suggestion is presented to you.

What are you going to do with it?

How are you going to handle it?

How are you going to respond to it?

Maybe I should ask my question this way… Are you going to tear the idea or suggestion down or are you going to build it up?

You see, the poor and the unsuccessful hear an idea or suggestion and they’ll immediately go to work coming up with all the reasons why it won’t work, why it can’t happen, why it’s a bad idea, how it’s too dangerous or expensive or too whatever. They’ll continue on until they’ve completely bombed, destroyed, and tore down the idea or suggestion.

Even if deep inside they think it’s a good idea or suggestion, they’ll still respond to it in a negative way.

On the other hand, the wealthy and successful will entertain the idea or suggestion. You’ll hear them say things like:

  • “Hmmm… That’s really interesting.”
  • “That has a lot of possibility…”
  • “That’s really good… You know we could take that, and add in … and really go somewhere with that…”
  • “I like that… Is there anything else we need to consider to make that work?”
  • “What a wonderful idea. How could we make that a reality?”
  • “Hey! That’s a sharp idea…”
  • “Wow! That’s pretty smart. I like the way you’re thinking…”

The wealthy and successful take an idea or suggestion as something that is rife with possibility and immediately go to work mentally thinking about how they can improve it, make it better, and then implement it.

Quite a different response, is it not?

Sad thing is, most people fall into the former category of negative thinkers. But, it’s not entirely their fault… It started when they were little kids… Someone TAUGHT them how to think negative…

The other day, a 7 year old girl was telling me what a good idea it would be to have a small ice-box inside a car so that a person could have a soda whenever they wanted – and they wouldn’t even have to stop at McDonald’s or convenience store to have a cold pop.

Be honest with yourself now… How would you have responded to this child’s idea? Would you have told her that is a fantastic idea and encouraged her to keep on dreaming up great ideas? Or, would you have told her that it was a silly idea and besides, it would be too dangerous to have an ice-box in a car?

Ideas and the suggestions…

In your life…

In the children’s lives that you have influence over…

Are you building them up or tearing them down?

Want to know what God does? Take a look at Job 22:23 – “If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up.”


© 2010 – 2015, MillionairesForJesus.com. All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:

URL: http://www.millionairesforjesus.com/

Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire