It Was So Frustrating! It Was So Perfect! If You Only Knew…

Have you ever felt like the path of life was “one step forward and two steps backwards”?

Have you ever experienced frustration over what you thought was a “lucky break” but later, it just didn’t “pan out”?

Have you ever found yourself discouraged and even despondent because your achievements and accomplishments were far less than what you wanted and dreamed of?

Have you ever started a job or a business and thought, “This is the one! This is the one that’s going to get me over the top.” Eventually, in disappointment, you realized it wasn’t the one.

If you said yes to any of the above, then hear the Word of the Lord:

For the LORD our God, he it is that brought us up … and … did those great signs in our sight, and preserved us in all the way wherein we went, and among all the people through whom we passed” — Joshua 24:17

As you read the previous verse, did you see what God is doing FOR YOU as you walk the path of life and as you cross paths with people?

Did you see that God is:

  • Growing, developing, grooming, and mentoring YOU
  • Doing great things in your life – that you may not even fully realize or recognize yet
  • Preserving you because he has blessings and a purpose for YOU

I’m not done yet.

It gets even better.

My friend, God is building, developing, and preparing you for so much good – both the giving and the receiving of good – and like a small child doesn’t yet understand the good that its parents are doing for it, you don’t yet understand the good that God is doing for you.

But, understand this: God is making your way perfect. Right at this moment in time, you may not feel like that’s true. But, I assure you it absolutely is true because the Bible tells us:

God is my strength and power: And he maketh my way perfect.” — 2 Samuel 22:33

It’s all good. Everything that happens is for good. Go inside yourself and realize with ever fiber of your being that as sure as you move, breathe, and have your being in God, it’s just as sure that He’s making your way more and more perfect.

One last thing…

What would happen if you were to let go of those feelings of frustration and disappointment and trade them for faith, trust, and confidence in God to take everything that’s happened in your life – both good and bad – and turn it into greater and greater good?

What if you made this trade and faith, trust, and confidence in God became your new mode of operation?
It’s incredibly simple. It’s incredibly hard. It’s surrendering to God.

Could you?

Would you?



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When You Find Yourself…

When you find yourself not taking action or taking steps towards your goal of becoming a Millionaire For Jesus, you’ve allowed fear and doubt to stop you.

When you find yourself procrastinating on what you really need to be doing – you’re letting fear and doubt stop you.

When you find yourself wasting time on “minor” issues and tasks instead of focusing on the single most important thing you should be doing – you are letting fear and doubt stop you.

When you find yourself starting new things without finishing previously started things that could be finished, you’re letting fear and doubt stop you.

Unsuccessful people rarely even bother to try to get important, meaningful things done. But, when they do start something good, they don’t stick with it.

They are looking for the path of least resistance.

They are looking for what’s easy right now.

Why bother with all the worry, the effort, the frustrations, the setbacks, the disappointments, and the failures. Yes it would be nice to be a Millionaire For Jesus BUT, BUT, BUT, BUT…

Besides the unknown is too scary. Grab a history book off the shelf and look at a few maps that are 500 years and older. Notice that the unknown is always represented by dragons. Like I said, the unknown is too scary.

In contrast, Millionaires For Jesus focus and act on what’s important. They stay the course. They are disciplined. They persist. They don’t quit. They face up to their fears and doubts – and then step into them in faith believing. They keep focused on building up the Kingdom of God no matter what obstacles or setbacks may crop up.

Starting a race doesn’t count. Running the race and finishing the race is what counts. “Ye did run well; who did hinder you?” (Galations 5:7) All too often, the “who” that hinders us is our own selves.

When you allow fear and doubt to stop you, not only do you rob yourself but you also rob God from the Glory He would get from working through you. Will a man rob God?


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It Isn’t This Three-Letter Word That’s Holding You Back Is It?

There are lots of people who WANT what successful people HAVE but…

There are great numbers of folks who want the prestige and recognition that successful people have but…

Many, many people want to be able to travel and enjoy life at the level that successful people do but…

Unsuccessful people everywhere want the income that successful people have but…

And, they dream of having the freedom that successful people have but…

Oh, wouldn’t it be nice to accomplish the grand and wonderful things that successful people accomplish but…

But, but, but, but…

…unsuccessful people aren’t willing to do the things that successful people are willing to do to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

They aren’t willing to step out in faith. If they can’t see it all the way through, they won’t venture. The thought of risk makes them ill. The fear of the unknown chains them to their current environment.

They aren’t willing to discipline themselves to learn. They have zero interest in getting their hands on a self-help or personal-development kind of book. The last thing they want to listen to is something that might help them grow and expand their personal capability. God forbid that they waste their time watching a success video.

They handle little things, small details, and their time with total carelessness – as if they are completely unimportant. In fact, unsuccessful people often have this accompanying attitude that “little” things are BENEATH them. But, they’ll talk about how they would handle things IF THEY were in some big, important position. (Grab your Bible and read Luke 12:26 and Luke 16:10)

They give neither thought nor concern to the consequences and long-term effects of their choices and decisions – after all, in the overall scope of things, how could this one little choice or decision possibly matter?

They give their time and attention to ease, entertainment, and recreation – scoffing at and totally rejecting the thought of taking action, of working, of applying themselves diligently – effort is just too much for them.


They’ll keep on WISHING they could have and enjoy what successful people have and enjoy…

They’ll live their life and die…

Never willing to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Proverbs 1:32 tells us, “For the turning away of the simple shall slay them.” If you were to study this verse out, you would see that it means that “the willfully ignorant and lazy turn away from God and opportunity because ease is more important to them”.

Sadly, we also see in this verse that their “turning away” is the very thing that “slays” or “kills” their dreams and desires – that keeps them from having and being all that God would love for them to have and to be.

I beg of you…

Be the kind of person who MAKES IT HAPPEN!


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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

PSSST! Want to hear a real success secret?

From time to time people ask me how they can be more successful.

So today, I’m going to share a powerful “secret” to success with you.

And the secret is…


That’s right, LINKING to what is IMPORTANT.

Now, there are several important connotations here.

First, this implies that a person has taken the time to think through what is really important to them. Few people have actually done this. I guess it’s too basic for them. But, it’s the very thing that is holding them back from getting what they really want.

Second is the implication that a decision has been made about what’s important and what’s not important and only that which is important gets attention.

Third, we get the sense that thought, time and action is devoted only to that which is important.

Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t know where all my money went?” The reason they don’t know where it went is because they didn’t have it linked to what was important. Rather, it was linked to the frivolous.

As long as a person’s money is not linked to that which is truly important to them, they will continue to be poor. It’s as simple as that.

Have you ever heard someone say, “Where did all the time go?” Once again, this person allocated (other words might include “gave” or “wasted”) their time to something unimportant instead of devoting it and investing it on that which was really important to them.

As long as a person fails to link their time to only that which is important, they will continue to be unproductive and ineffective in all areas of their life – never accomplishing anything of real value.

So, decide what’s important to you. Decide to have it. Then, link, relate, and apply every resource you have to what it is that’s important to you.

You’ll find success finding you in a really big way.


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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

The Secret Weapon…

There is a secret weapon that people who know how to make money always turn to when they want to create more money…

Every time they turn to it, money starts materializing in their life…

You might think that this secret weapon is available only to those who are already rich…

But actually, it’s just as available to you as it is to the rich…

The strange thing is, poor people have reason after reason (excuse after excuse?) why they don’t use this weapon…

This is kind of sad because the secret weapon is the PRIMARY channel through which money flows…

What is this secret weapon?


I’m NOT talking about that group of people who are just like you that you’ve hung out with your whole life…

I’m talking about NEW people…

I’m talking about LOTS of people…

I’m talking about an AUDIENCE of people who have a need, an urge, a problem, a desire that you can fulfill…

I’m talking about CONTINUOUSLY expanding the number of people you KNOW and TALK to – who think of you in a positive way – so that you continuously put yourself in a position to create win-win, helps-you-helps-me circumstances…

And when you start doing this, you’ll be AMAZED at the opportunities and the money that will appear in your life.

Is this really a secret?

Not really…

It’s just that so few people are actually willing to step outside of their comfort zone…

So few will ever get past their little circle of acquaintances so that they can be more, do more, give more, and have more…

But the few who are willing to go meet new people and build an audience find that it is truly a powerful, money-making secret weapon.


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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

One Critical Difference Between Success And Failure…Check Yourself!

All through history, the successful man or woman has innately understood this concept…

This concept is one of the first things the successful person will talk about when asked about his or her “secrets to success”.

Some refer to it as having a vision…

Others think of it as an attitude or state of mind…

And, there are those who refer to it as setting goals…

Whatever you call it, it’s about creating a pre-determined picture in your mind of what your life should be like and then purposely striving to create that picture.

This is one critical difference between people who are successful and those who are not – successful people have a pre-determined picture and are actively working to create it in their lives and unsuccessful people do not.

You see, it’s responding versus reacting.

Because successful people have a pre-determined picture in their mind, they can take whatever comes into their life and whatever happens in their life and shape it and mold it to conform to and support their pre-determined picture – they can RESPOND in a positive and creative way. And, unsuccessful people call them “LUCKY”.

On the other hand, because unsuccessful people do not have a pre-determined picture in their mind, the only thing they can do with things that come into their life and that happen to them is REACT.

Unfortunately, people who have not conformed to God’s Word (Bible) are inherently negative and so their REACTION is a negative interpretation of whatever has happened in their life – which tragically, puts them on a downward spiral to more negativity.

The sad thing is, unsuccessful people are so close…

If you spend any time at all with them, you’ll hear them say things like:

  • “I wish I had a million dollars”
  • “I’d love to have a million dollars”
  • “Wouldn’t it be nice if I had a million dollars”

The missing piece to their success is that they never DECIDE to go for it. They never DECIDE to have it.

They never realize that these “good” and “grand” and “exciting” wishes are really God wanting to express Himself through people.

First, let’s take a look at God’s picture of you…

Deuteronomy 8:16 – “that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end.”

Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

Now, with this in mind…

  • What is your picture for your spiritual life?
  • What is your picture for your “good works”?
  • What is your picture for your family and home-life?
  • What is your picture for your health?
  • What is your picture for your bank account?
  • What is your picture for enjoying God’s fullness and goodness of life?

These are pictures that you have to create.

You have to think through what you want in every aspect of your life.

You have to DECIDE to have it.

Once you’ve established the picture, go to work creating it in your external world. It won’t happen overnight. It will take some time. Keep working to create it. Eventually, it will materialize and you will find yourself living in a world that mirrors the picture you first created in your mind.

And, if you have a business, picture your business as follows:

  • A beautiful, attractive, neat, clean, exciting, and fun place
  • Streams of smiling, happy customers constantly flowing through your business, giving you money in exchange for even greater use value
  • Warm, pleasant, and helpful vendors supplying your needs in a timely manner
  • Employees who are dedicated, loyal, resourceful, creative, helpful, and friendly, portraying professionalism to all they interact with
  • Increasingly positive cash-flow and net profit

Now, every day, spend time thinking about ways and means by which you can create this picture in your business. When you come up with an idea, implement it. Some will work. Some won’t. All that matters is that you are working to create the picture. Eventually, the picture will become a reality.

Let me end with a couple of quotes:

The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created – created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination.” — Deborah James

You see, latent within any clearly imagined dream lies the innate potential to literally craft the entire sequence of events necessary to make it manifest. And if you move with that dream, demonstrating both faith and belief, making yourself available to “accidents and coincidences,” not insisting on the hows and rolling with what may come, the sequence is permitted to play itself out. Yet because you can only perceive this sequence with the physical senses through a linear time line, it will likely seem that much of your journey doesn’t make sense, is unpredictable, or may even appear off-course. If your journey at the moment isn’t making much sense, seems unpredictable, or even appears to be off-course, let’s just say that in the bleachers, right now in the unseen, your name is being sung in a deafening chorus with each syllable being punctuated by primal drum beats, while cheerleaders are cheering, fans are hysterical, and happy-tears are flowing.” — Mike Dooley

The key is to make sure that in all the pictures we are creating, God is glorified. When we do this, God is happy and we’ll be happy too!


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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

How To Allow What We Want To Manifest In Our Life – Part 10

The Bible doesn’t tell us to sit around complaining about that which we want to God.

The Bible doesn’t tell us to gripe about what we want to everybody that will listen.

The Bible doesn’t tell us to waste precious days, weeks, months, and years “wishing” for what we want.

The Bible doesn’t tell us to dwell upon all the reasons why we can’t have what we want.

So, what are we supposed to do?

We are supposed to say what we want and we are to fully believe that we will have it.

One more time, I present Mark 11:23-24 to you: “For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

So, start doing, thinking, and acting as if what you want were truly TANGIBLE.

Here’s an example of what I mean. Start paying tithes at the income level you want to be at. If you can’t pay at that level yet, then start paying at a higher and higher level as you can. Never doubt, God will “match” you.

As far as I can tell, there are only two areas where God challenges us to try him. One, He challenges us to try Him in the area of money so that He can bless us (Malachi 3). Two, He challenges us to “taste and see” that He is good (Psalms 34).

Give God a try. Say what you want. Believe God for it. Watch it manifest in your life.


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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

How To Allow What We Want To Manifest In Our Life – Part 9

You may find it helpful to realize that you receive from God that which you ask of Him the moment you ask for it. However, it usually takes some interval of time before it is manifested.

If you read Daniel Chapter 10, you will read how Daniel was seeking God for a certain thing. For 21 days, Daniel sought the Lord for his petition. When the Angel of the Lord brings Daniel the answer, he tells Daniel that God heard his request the very first day he sought the Lord.

And so it is with you. The moment you seriously and intentionally ask God for that which you want, God hears you – and it is INTANGIBLY yours at that very moment. Then, to turn it into the TANGIBLE, you must continue believing for it, being grateful for it, and taking action in whatever way your intuition (God speaking to you) suggests.

In other words, assuming what you want is good and Godly, it is yours the minute you ask for it and believe that you receive it. Then, you work and take action so that God can deliver it to you physically.


© 2010 – 2015, All rights reserved worldwide.

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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

How To Allow What We Want To Manifest In Our Life – Part 8

I want to give you a tool to help you build and maintain your faith to receive that which you want…

When someone gives you something or does something for you, you say “Thank You.” The point is, “Thank You” applies to things that are PAST TENSE.

Be sure you tell the Lord “Thank You” for all that He has done for you and given you so that you stay connected to that which He has done for you and given you.

But now, what about things you want and desire that you don’t now possess?

First, it starts with asking. Matthew 21:22 – “Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” This is the asking part.

Then, be GRATEFUL for what you’ve asked God for.

Start telling the Lord, “I am SOOOO GRATEFUL for <that which you want manifested>”

In other words, I want you to start using the word GRATEFUL to apply to things that are FUTURE TENSE.

Let’s explore this a bit further…

Ephesians 5:20 – “Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

Colossians 4:2 – “Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving

1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 – “Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Hebrews 13:15-16 – “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

Colossians 3:17 – “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

First, we must realize that “All Things” and “Every Thing” applies to that which has been manifested and that which has not.

Second, we must LIVE and OPERATE where that which we want manifested is FOREMOST in our mind. Specifically, notice “Always”, “Continue”, “Without Ceasing”, and “Continually”.

If we analyze The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), we can see that prayer means giving glory and honor to God, giving thanksgiving for His goodness, asking Him for what we want, asking Him for protection and guidance, forgiving those who’ve done us wrong, all with the SOLE interest of glory to God and expansion in His Kingdom.

Now, most people view prayer as something that is an EVENT. Certainly, we should set aside time for prayer – it’s in OUR best interest to do so. But, we must also recognize that prayer is more than just an event. Prayer should also be a STATE OF MIND.

When we continuously maintain a STATE OF MIND that is focused on God glorifying His name through us combined with GRATEFULNESS for that which we have asked God for, we can EXPECT to see that which we want MANIFESTED in our life.

So, ask for what you want in prayer and then start letting God know how grateful you are that he is giving you that which you desire.

One more thing… If you feel an internal twinge when you express your gratefulness (assuming you’ve asked for something that is good and Godly), then recognize it as doubt, unbelief, and fear in you. Reject and rid yourself of all doubt, unbelief and fear.

Remember, “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32) and “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).


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How To Allow What We Want To Manifest In Our Life – Part 7

First, let’s take a look at how God operates.

In the Creation story found in Genesis Chapter 1 we see multiple instances of “And God said, …”

God’s use of words to “create” can be found over and over throughout the Bible. In fact, God tells us about His “formula” in Ezekiel 12:25 – “For I am the LORD: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass”.

What God says shall come to pass. But words are just thoughts made audible. What God thinks will also come to pass.

Numbers 33:56 – “Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them.

What you and I must understand is that we are made in God’s image and He has created us to function, perform, and create in this same fashion.

Now, we certainly are not on the same level as God but that does not diminish the fact that we are to operate in the same fashion as God. For example, Jesus tells us:

Mark 4:22 – “For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.

Plainly, what you are thinking about inside of yourself will be manifested – it will materialize in your external world.

Jesus tells us in Mark 11:23 – “Say unto this mountain…

The reason He tells us to “say” is because saying gives greater intensity to your thoughts. Saying helps you clarify your thoughts and make them more focused, resulting in a greater intensity of thought.

Now, I want to make a CRITICAL point lest anyone should “worship the creature more than the creator” (Romans 1:25)…

This formula of using thoughts and words to create what we want is actually God working through us. It is how God expresses Himself through people. This is made very clear in 2 Corinthians 3:5 – “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God”.

Take a look at what’s behind our “thoughts” and “words” in this verse:

Ephesians 3:20-21 – “Now unto him [God] that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

For further proof, look at Isaiah 57:19 where God tells us, “I create the fruit of the lips”. Similarly, Acts 17:28 tells us, “For in him [God] we live, and move, and have our being”. To study this out further, take a look at 1 Corinthians 8:6 and 2 Corinthians 1:20.

It is God’s desire that we think loving, beautiful, happy, healthy, wealthy thoughts (See Philippians 4:8) because that is what He wants to create in our lives – that is how He wants to express Himself through us.

But be warned, God also instructs us to “think no evil” (1 Corinthians 13:5) because if our lives are not buried and hid in Christ, then God will just as surely allow satan to create our evil thoughts in our lives. This is further confirmed when we study Ephesians Chapter 6.

To wrap this up…

Think about what God is like.

Think about how He does things.

Think about what He has.

Think about what He wants.

Study the Bible to really get a picture of God.

And then, fashion and pattern your thoughts, words, behaviors, and actions accordingly.

This is God’s will for your life as stated in 1 John 4:17 – “Because as he [God] is, so are we in this world”.


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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

How To Allow What We Want To Manifest In Our Life – Part 6

There are two things you need to beware of in manifesting that which you want in your life.

Let’s take a look at the first thing…

James 1:3-4 – Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.


Patience is absolutely required.

Give God time to bring that which you want to you.

Don’t doubt that it’s coming just because you can’t see it or touch it yet.

Don’t start thinking that it isn’t God’s will for you to have it just because it hasn’t materialized yet.

By maintaining patience, you’ll have everything you want manifested in your life.

Somewhere I heard the comical story that at Heaven’s gate there are piles of undelivered gifts and blessings that were for people who “called” God to ask for them but “hung up” on Him before He could find out who they were and how to get the gift or blessing to them.

Don’t let impatience prevent you from having that which you want.

And now the second thing…

If we ask for the wrong kinds of things, we won’t get them.

James 4:3 – Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

This verse makes it clear that it is not God’s will to give you anything that is about bringing attention, recognition, or glory to you instead of to God.

How do we know if something is ok to ask for?

2 Corinthians 9:11 – Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.

If what you want will enrich your life and the lives of other people, if it will bring glory and thanksgiving to God, then God wants you to have it.

Ask for it.

Believe for it.

Receive it.


© 2010 – 2015, All rights reserved worldwide.

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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

How To Allow What We Want To Manifest In Our Life – Part 4

If you have been trying and trying to manifest that which you want in your life and it continues to elude you, this post may very well be the reason why you haven’t been able to receive it…

A key part to allowing what we want to manifest in our lives is to make sure that there are no obstructions. To make sure there are no negative feelings or emotions hidden or buried deep inside of us. To make sure “the path is clear” so that what we want can come to us.

Most Christians are familiar with these scriptures in Mark Chapter 11 – “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Many people have read this, believed it, and tried to apply it…

And, they did not receive what they wanted.


Because there is one more piece to the equation that is revealed in the very next verse:

And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

This makes it perfectly clear that if we are to receive what we want, we have to forgive, forget, release, and let go of all negative emotions or feelings that we have against someone who we feel has done us wrong, has said hurtful things, or in some way, offended us.

1 John 2:11 tells us – “But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.

Feelings of hatred on your part will cause you to “wander around in the darkness” unable to see your way to receiving that which you want.

Hatred will blind your eyes to the opportunities and “open doors” that will lead to you receiving that which you want.

1 John 4:18 – “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Fear is a “repellant”. It repels that which you want away from you. Fear creates all kinds of negative emotions that erect “barriers” between you and what you want.

On the other hand, love is an attractor. Love for God and love for people starts attracting that which you want towards you.

When you love other people, you want to help them get that which they want. You want to lift people up and build them up. You want to give yourself to help them – and that giving empties you out so that you can start receiving that which you want.

Ecclesastes 11:10 – “Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh.

“Feeling sorry for yourself” is yet another repellant to that which you want.

I’m not talking about Godly sorrow and repentance for wrong-doing.

I’m talking about the “nobody loves me”, “nobody cares for me”, “I’m all alone in this world” kind of negative thinking that puts you into a negative state of mind and that prevents you from receiving what you want.

Likewise, sin, evil works, and wrong-doing will stand between you and what you want. Why? Because your God-given conscience knows you are doing wrong which sets up a series of negative vibrations and emotions within yourself – no matter how hidden or deeply buried they may be – that shuts down your ability to receive that which you want.

Galatians 5:26 – “Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

When we try to bring glory to ourselves instead of to God, we create a contradictory set of vibrations within ourselves that will take us out of the flow that we need to be in to receive what we want.

When we are competing or in conflict or in any kind of “non-unity” with other people, we once again set up negative forces that hinder us from receiving that which we want.

When we envy and covet, we have strong emotional feelings about having what is in someone else’s possession – and these are once again, negative-based feelings that prevent us from receiving that which we want.

Not forgiving those who have done us wrong, hatred towards anyone, fear of any kind, feeling sorry for ourselves, sin or wrong-doing of any kind, contention, envy, judgment or any number of other negative feelings and emotions will distract and prevent us from receiving that which we want.

But, when we get rid of all these negative emotions and feelings, and we move into a positive state of mind, we open the doors, we clear the pathways to receiving that which we want.

How do we move into a positive state of mind?

We focus on love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance just like we are instructed in Galatians 5.

And when we consistently operate with these feelings and emotions, we’ll soon find that which we want manifested in our lives.


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How To Allow What We Want To Manifest In Our Life – Part 3

Ecclesiastes 11:5 – As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.

  • It’s God who makes all things, who gives us all things, rich and good things to enjoy
  • We don’t have to know how He’s going to do it
  • We don’t have to know who He’s going to do it through
  • We don’t have to know the channel or the means by which He’s going to do it
  • We just have to create the picture in our mind and hold to it with our belief – and let God make it.


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How To Allow What We Want To Manifest In Our Life – Part 2

Ecclesiastes 11:6 – In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.

  • Start trying things.
  • If you try two things, you don’t know if only one of them will work…
  • Or, if both of them will work
  • Notice the expectation that something is going to work
  • Notice the likelihood that things are going to work out for good more often than not
  • But it will never happen unless you step out of the “normal” and the “usual” and give something new a try.

Positive expectancy is a key part of allowing that which we want to manifest in our lives.


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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

How To Allow What We Want To Manifest In Our Life – Part 1

Ecclesiastes 11:4 – “He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.”

  • A person can always find reasons within themselves to not step out and try something new.
  • There will always be people who will tell you that you can’t do it or that you shouldn’t do it.
  • When you base your actions and your beliefs on external appearances and circumstances, you will always get more of what you already have. As implied, this means that you WILL NOT get that which you do want.
  • To start manifesting new, different, and better results in your life, you must start looking at something besides external circumstances.
  • That’s where your mind comes into play. You use your mind to imagine, create, and visualize the external circumstances that you really want.
  • Once you’ve used your creative imagination to build a clear mental vision of what you really want, your free-will and your faith then come into play.
  • You use the free-will that God has given you to choose to have faith in God that the “seeds” you have “planted” in your mind will start sprouting and growing into your external and physical world
  • Seed planted in your mind (positive or negative) will sprout and grow into your external world just as surely as planting a seed in the earth will sprout and grow.
  • Notice that there are dual obstacles… the obstacle of “planting” the seed and the obstacle of “harvesting” the fruit. You can fail to have what you want at either obstacle point. Many people never actually decide what they really want and then actively pursue it. But for those few who do, there is a second failure point… A person can go through all the effort of imagining, mentally creating, and visualizing what they want – sowing the seeds. But, if that same person doesn’t hold to what they’ve “planted” with their free-will and faith – regardless of what external circumstances look like – they’ll not reap the harvest.
  • Sowing and reaping in the physical sense is dirty, dusty, laborious, and time-intensive work. There’s nothing glamorous about it. In the same sense, sowing and reaping that which we want in our physical lives IS hard MENTAL and SPIRITUAL work. But, when the harvest comes rolling in, it will have been well worth all the effort.
  • The farmer knows that the effort and cost it takes to have a good harvest is far less than the cost of having a long, cold winter WITHOUT a harvest to sustain and support. Likewise, the effort and cost to have what we really want in our lives is far less than the cost of passing through life reacting negatively to all the circumstances we find confronting us in our physical world.


© 2010 – 2015, All rights reserved worldwide.

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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

Is This The Reason Love Isn’t Being Shown?

“Love is denied expression by poverty” — Wallace D. Wattles

Let’s consider the “Good Samaritan” story from the Bible…

Luke 10:27 – 37
“And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live. But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour? And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said, He that showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.”

Now, let me ask this question, “Why did the priest and the Levite pass by without giving aid to the wounded and needy man?”

I believe these men cared about people, or they wouldn’t have been in the vocation they were in.

Have you ever seen a person who was clearly in need and you felt pity for them? Didn’t you feel sorry for them? Didn’t you wish that you could help them?

Why did you pass on by?

I believe you passed on by them for the exact same reason the priest and the Levite passed on by… because you didn’t have the financial wherewithal (and consequently, you didn’t have the time freedom) to help the wounded and needy person.

No sane person in their right mind can see a person in need and not want to respond. This is known as pity.

And though people feel pity towards the wounded and the needy, they will decide not to respond – not because they don’t care – but because they themselves are poor.

But the man in Christ’s story had the financial wherewithal to be able to show and express his love towards his neighbor.

What was the last thing that Christ said in this story?

Are you in a financial position (and a time position) where you can go and show love towards your neighbor?

Don’t you think it’s about time that you decided to become a Millionaire For Jesus?


© 2010 – 2015, All rights reserved worldwide.

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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

How to increase your income…

Ultimately, you want to reach that position where dollars are working for you instead of you working and trading your time for dollars.

Trading time for dollars is not very leverageable.

There just isn’t enough time for you to get to the scale and level where there is big money. Even if you do get to the point where you are earning big money for your time, you will find that your time is so consumed that you can’t enjoy the fullness and goodness of life.

In the meantime, while you are transitioning away from trading time for dollars, it helps if you can increase the number of dollars you can get for your time.

Becoming an expert is how you get more dollars for your time.

Here’s how you can become an expert in as little as two (2) days:

Day 1

Step 1

  1. Go to your Central Library
  2. Go to the department that has the Periodicals Back-Issues
  3. Find the periodicals that pertain to whatever topic you want to become an expert in
  4. Scan through the periodicals and find articles that pertain to the specific subject you want to become the expert in. Don’t read them. If an article looks promising, write the title and the author down and keep scanning through the rest of your periodicals.

Step 2

  1. Now, go to the Research Department
  2. Find the computers with the Research Databases and log on
  3. Go to the EBSCO Database (which is a database of scanned articles from thousands and thousands of periodicals) and select the categories that pertain to your area of interest
  4. Search for the title of each article
  5. Click on the article title. Don’t read the article. Instead, click the email link and email it to your home email address.
  6. Do this for all of the articles that you found in the periodical back-issues that looked promising.
  7. Now, do a more general search for ANY articles that pertain to your area of interest.
  8. Email all of the articles that look promising to your home email address.

Go home and get rested up for Day 2

Day 2

Step 1

  1. Read through all of the emails that you emailed yourself on day 1.
  2. Apply the rules from these posts: How To ThinkMore On How To ThinkThinking Patterns

Step 2

  1. You now know more than most of the people who have been involved for years in the area of your topic.
  2. Go market yourself as an expert using the marketing formula: The Marketing Formula – Part 1The Marketing Formula Part 2The Marketing Formula – Part 3The Marketing Formula – Part 4
  3. Increase your wealth using the wealth formula


© 2010 – 2015, All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:


Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

Your very own parade…

Sometimes people are hesitant to launch forward into their own business.

They’re not sure if what they have to offer has any value.

Imagine that you are standing to the side of a passing parade.

It looks like a lot of fun and you want to join in… but it just seems a little too scary to step in.

About that time, you see the end of the parade. You decide to go for it. You step from the side and you join the parade – at the very back.

You march with the parade for a short while when suddenly, you notice that other people are falling in behind you.

With each passing step, you gain experience. You learn what works and what doesn’t work.

And, the further you go with the parade, the more people there are behind you.

People who need your help. People who haven’t went as far as you. People who could benefit from your knowledge and experience.

You want to help those behind you. But then, you think of those who are ahead of you. They know so much more than you. They might think that what you have to offer is too elementary. Too basic. They might laugh at you or make fun of you.

Forget about those who are ahead of you. Quit speculating on what those ahead of you might think. Let go of all that.

Those people ahead of you aren’t your audience. They aren’t the ones you can help. Your focus is on those who are behind you.

In fact, you can probably help those who are behind you better than those in front of you can.

You can remember not knowing how to do basic things. You now know how to do those things and you can easily teach someone who doesn’t know.

The man or woman way up front of the parade, doesn’t even remember having to do such things. They are too advanced for the people that are behind you.

But you! You are just right to help those who are behind you.

Don’t hesitate!

Step out!

Launch forward!


Don’t worry about anything.

There are people behind you that need your help.

And then one day, you turn around and realize that you are leading your own great parade.


© 2010 – 2015, All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:


Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

Three Financial Objectives…

1. Your first financial objective should be to get to a point where you operate on a cash-only basis and you are debt free.

a. Your first focus should be on increasing your earning power so that it is easier to operate on a cash-only basis and eliminate the debt.

b. Be CAREFUL to avoid a lifestyle designed to attract attention. Things designed to attract attention – gaudy things – are always expensive and are anathema to your wealth. Keep in mind, we are to bring glory to God – not ourselves.

c. Be careful that you don’t try to BUY happiness by purchasing “things” and “stuff”. Happiness is ABSOLUTELY yours as soon as you make two decisions: One, surrender your heart and life to Christ. Two, understand that happiness is a state of mind and that God has given you the power to decide what your thoughts are. Therefore, you can decide and choose to be happy by choosing the thoughts and feelings that you allow yourself to have. In contrast, spending money on something that produces short-term gratification only leads to spending money on something more expensive – so that you can have another moment of short-term gratification – further reducing your ability to accrue wealth. Before you spend money on something, ask yourself if the purchase is pleasing unto God and whether it will bring joy and enrichment to family and friend relationships.

2. Your second financial objective should be to get the point where all of your income is distributed as follows:

a. 10% goes to God

b. 30% goes towards living expenses (food, clothing, shelter, transportation, etc.)

c. 30% goes toward enjoyment in life (travel, recreation, dining out, etc.)

d. 30% goes into your wealth-building account

3. Your third financial objective should be to reach a point where you can put a pre-determined amount of cash ($1M, $3M, $5M, etc) into guaranteed and safe bank investments.

a. Although the return will be quite low, given the level of money, you will be able to comfortably live off of the interest for the rest of your life.

b. More importantly, you will no longer be tied to a job or a business and you will gain greater time freedom to work for God and to do things in God’s Kingdom.

c. You should determine in your heart right now, and make an irrevocable commitment that all money above your predetermined amount is God’s money to be used only for the purpose of building up and expanding God’s Kingdom.

4. Warning:

a. Always, always remember that although God intends for us to enjoy all the goodness and fullness of life that He has given us, He also intends for us to “bring forth fruit” unto Him.

b. Having big money IS NOT about “totally consuming it upon the Lusts of the flesh” and living some outrageous lifestyle designed to get the attention of people.

c. Having big money IS about building up and expanding the Kingdom of God WHILE we enjoy the goodness of life that God has given us with family, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ.
d. To have any other perspective will cost you your most valuable possession – your soul!


© 2010 – 2015, All rights reserved worldwide.

Permission is granted to reprint this article ONLY if a link is included with it as follows:


Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire

The Wealth Formula…

1. Come up with a primary income stream. For most people, this is a job. As I have said in previous articles, you should be aggressively moving towards owning your own business so that you have more control over your income and your time. Further, owning your own business is important from a tax perspective. When you are an employee working a job, you earn money, Uncle Sam takes his portion first, and then whatever is left over, you can use as you see fit. For most people, this means that they are in effect working for free for the first 3-4 months of the year. Not very smart! When you own your own business, you earn money, decide how it is going to be used, and then whatever is left, Uncle Sam can tax. This makes a huge difference in your ability to accrue wealth.

2. Give God his part of all your income.

3. Take another part of your income and put it into a wealth building account.

a. Most people say take a portion of your money and put it in savings. This is wrong. You aren’t looking to “save”. Saving won’t get you there because there will always be something that comes up where you have to tap into your savings. If you are saving for a rainy day, guess what you are going to attract into your life? That’s right, rainy days.

b. What you are looking to do is build your wealth. Instead of putting your money into “savings”, you want to put your money into a wealth-building account. When you put your money into a wealth-building account, guess what you are going to attract? Right again, opportunities to build wealth.

c. The amount you contribute to the wealth-building account isn’t what’s important. Developing the habit of contributing to the wealth-building account EVERY SINGLE TIME money comes to you is what’s important. Once it is a habit, the contribution amount will increase over time.

4. While you are building up your wealth-building account, start looking for investments that meet the following criteria:

a. You can retain significant control of it. The outcome of the stock market is not something you can control and so therefore, stocks or futures are not good investments.

b. It won’t take your focus away from your primary income stream.

c. At the very least, it will passively produce a significant return on your investment. That is, it should appreciate in value with little to no effort on your part.

d. Even better, it will become a passive income stream that requires very little of your time and produces money on an ongoing basis. Investments that produce ongoing royalties, commissions, residual sales, dividends, or rental fees are ideal.

e. You are able to develop a thorough understanding of it. Virtually all investment failures can be traced back to a lack of understanding on the part of the investor.

f. It does not violate or take away from other people.

g. There are few to no employees required and certainly, there are no “expensive expert” employees required. Here’s the thing, employees require “baby sitting”. As a Millionaire For Jesus, your time is worth at least $481 per hour which means if you spend an hour baby sitting an employee, you just cost yourself no less than $481 and possibly more. Further, employees always want “stuff” – not because they necessarily need it but because they feel gratification in spending your money.

h. It is something for which there is a high demand for it.

i. It is something for which you have a reasonable level of interest in it. Something that you have no interest in is rarely a good investment.

j. It is primarily a cash-up-front or cash-each-payment-period type investment as opposed to a “terms” business where you are always having to try to collect your money.

k. It is something which you can purchase outright from your wealth-building account. Many wealth guru’s would strongly disagree with this, but from a Biblical perspective, it’s not God’s will for His people to be under bondage of debt. The presence of debt takes away people’s ability to make the best choices in their lives because of the debt. In the absence of debt, a person is able to make choices and decisions based on what fits their life, their family, and their work for God rather than choices and decisions based on making payments on the debt. Bottom line, the Millionaire For Jesus makes small investments they can purchase outright that produce gains and growth that lead to bigger and bigger investments.

l. Real Estate is the most common investment vehicle because it fits all of the above criteria.

m. Business creation or purchase is the second most common vehicle. The most common types of businesses (due to their low-overhead and high-margin potential) include: information product providers, direct marketing companies, laundry mats, storage units, and vending businesses. There are many, many other wise investments besides these.

5. Once you have found an investment that fits all of the above criteria and your wealth-building account can fund it, make your investment.

6. Then, whatever money this investment produces should go right back into your wealth-building account. It’s important to remember that you live off of your primary income stream. A profit from your investment doesn’t mean “party time” or go spend it (blow it) on “stuff”. It means take every penny possible from the investment and put it right back into the wealth-building account so that you can make even bigger investments with even bigger returns.

7. Now, simply repeat this process over and over.


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Link Text: Millionaires For Jesus – God’s Millionaires – Christian Millionaire